5 Strategies for Philanthropy That Align with Your Values

“Philanthropy is like trying to make a difference in the world without totally losing your soul. It’s about aligning your giving with your real values—not just the ones you think you should have.” – Sarah Schlott

So, here’s the thing. I’ve been thinking a lot about philanthropy lately. And by “thinking,” I mean I’ve been staring at my ceiling at 3 a.m., wondering if all this donating I’m doing actually aligns with what I really believe. Like, what if I’m just throwing cash at causes that look good on paper but don’t actually resonate with who I am?

Ugh. The last thing I want is to be that person who donates to a random charity just because everyone else is doing it. Nope, not happening. I want my money to go where my heart is, and I bet you do too. So, let’s talk about five strategies for making sure your philanthropy actually aligns with your values.

Table of Contents:

  • How to Stop Faking It and Find Your Real Values
  • Choosing Causes That Don’t Make You Roll Your Eyes
  • Actually Making a Difference Without Losing Your Mind
  • Keeping Your Sanity While Measuring Your Impact

How to Stop Faking It and Find Your Real Values

First off, can we all agree that pretending to care about stuff just because it’s trendy is exhausting? Let’s get real about what we actually give a crap about. Here’s how to figure it out:

  • Get Real with Yourself: Yeah, I know, self-reflection is like the kale of personal growth—nobody really wants to do it, but it’s good for you. So, ask yourself: What makes you angry? What makes you cry? These are clues to what you really value.
  • Look at Your History: Take a stroll down memory lane and think about the causes you’ve supported before. Are there any patterns? Maybe you’ve always been drawn to helping the homeless or saving the whales. Whatever it is, it’s probably worth paying attention to.
  • Phone a Friend: Sometimes your friends know you better than you know yourself. Ask them what they think you care about most. You might be surprised by their answers.

Choosing Causes That Don’t Make You Roll Your Eyes

Now that you’ve figured out what you actually care about, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is. But before you start writing checks, let’s make sure the causes you choose aren’t just some guilt-driven, trendy BS.

  • Do Your Homework: Seriously, Google is your friend. Check out the mission statements of different organizations. Make sure they’re actually doing what they say they’re doing. Nothing worse than finding out you’ve been supporting a charity that’s all talk, no action.
  • Stay Woke (But Not Too Woke): Yeah, I said it. Stay informed about what’s going on in the world, but don’t get sucked into the outrage machine. Focus on issues that genuinely resonate with you. Like, if the latest climate change crisis is keeping you up at night, maybe it’s time to support some eco-friendly causes.
  • Think Local: Sometimes the biggest impact you can make is right in your own backyard. Look for local charities or initiatives that need support. You might be surprised at how much good you can do close to home.

Actually Making a Difference Without Losing Your Mind

Alright, so you’ve figured out what you care about, and you’ve picked a few causes that don’t make you cringe. Now what? Here’s how to actually make a difference without going totally nuts:

  • Spread the Love: Don’t throw all your money at one thing. Spread it around a bit. That way, if one cause turns out to be a dud, you’re not completely screwed.
  • Commit, But Don’t Overcommit: Instead of giving a one-time donation and then ghosting, think about making a long-term commitment. But don’t go overboard. The last thing you want is to feel like you’ve taken on a second job.
  • Make It Count: If your employer offers matching gifts, take them up on it. It’s like getting free money to support your cause. Why wouldn’t you?

Keeping Your Sanity While Measuring Your Impact

So, here’s the deal: measuring the impact of your philanthropy can be a real headache. But it’s important if you want to make sure you’re not just throwing money into a black hole. Here’s how to keep it together:

  • Set Some Freakin’ Goals: If you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, how will you know if you’re succeeding? Set some clear, realistic goals for your giving, and track your progress.
  • Check-In Regularly: Don’t just send your money off into the abyss and hope for the best. Stay in touch with the organizations you’re supporting. Ask for updates, read their reports, and make sure your money is being used wisely.
  • Be Ready to Pivot: If something’s not working, don’t be afraid to change course. It’s your money, and you should feel good about how it’s being used.

Final Thoughts

Look, philanthropy is personal. It’s not about doing what everyone else is doing; it’s about aligning your giving with your values and making sure you’re actually making a difference. So, do the work, figure out what matters to you, and give with intention. And if you found this little rant helpful, maybe give it a share on social media. Help spread the word about how to make philanthropy suck a little less.

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